Give to the Capital Campaign
Help Spring Lake Ranch build to meet the need!

America is experiencing a mental health crisis. With rates of mental illness on the rise, there’s a shortage of treatment centers providing long-term results.

Spring Lake Ranch is building to meet the need for change. After almost 100 years in operation, we’re expanding our capacity and introducing a model of care that can be replicated nationwide. Learn more at

Other ways to give:

  1. Mail a check to:
    Spring Lake Ranch
    1169 Spring Lake Rd
    Cuttingsville, VT 05738
    (be sure to put Capital Campaign in the check memo)
  2. To give by phone or make a gift of stock, contact Rose McCracken, [email protected]802.772.8342
  3. To make a pledge, download the pledge form and mail or email it to Rose McCracken.

To make a gift to our Annual Fund, which supports financial aid for our residents and other critical needs, click here.

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